吳醫師是「顏面整型重建外科主任」、「醫美中心主任」、「中國醫藥大學附設醫院主任」、「美國哈佛大學進修醫師」,是一位擅長鼻整形重建手術 / 成人唇裂鼻成形手術 / 雙眼皮手術 / 下巴手術 / 醫學美容治療的專家,如有這些方面的疑問,歡迎線上諮詢,可本網站或FB專頁留言,或寄E-mail,我將儘快回覆 ★☆★ 可線上照片「諮詢」與「模擬」 ★☆★  E-mail: dr.tonywufs@icloud.com


Dr. Wu is the director of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, the director of medical aesthetic center, the director of China Medical University Hospital and a fellow of Harvard University. He is good at performing rhinoplasty / adult cleft lip rhinoplasty / double eyelid surgery / chin surgery / cosmetic medicine. If there is any doubt in these aspects, you are welcome to consult online. Please leave a message on this website or facebook fans page, or send an e-mail. I will reply to you as soon as possible. ★☆★ online photo consultation and simulation is available ★☆★  E-mail address: dr.tonywufs@icloud.com


撰文者 Author:

2017-12 吳志賢醫師_沙龍照_白袍_手遮臉_1000x1400


Chih-hsien Tony Wu is a fellow of Harvard University, the director of China Medical University Hospital, the director of aesthetic center at Evergreen General Hospital, a visiting scholar of cleft lip/palate craniofacial reconstructive surgery in Nara, Japan, a fellow of Regensburg University and an invited speaker of autologous costal cartilage rhinoplasty on World Congress of Facial Plastic Surgery in  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a PhD student in clinical medicine research graduate school now.




隆鼻, 鼻樑, 鼻頭, 鼻翼, 鼻基底, 矮鼻, 塌鼻, 短鼻, 鷹鉤鼻, 歪鼻, 朝天鼻, 巫婆鼻, 駝峰鼻, 馬鞍鼻, 蒜頭鼻, 蓮霧鼻, 肉肉鼻, 大鼻頭, 胖胖鼻, 鼻中膈彎曲, 困難鼻型, 鼻骨折, 鼻扭曲症, 鼻閥狹窄, 鼻側壁軟塌, 唇裂鼻畸形, 韓式, 三段式, 矽膠, 卡麥拉, GoreTex, 耳軟骨, 鼻中膈軟骨, 肋軟骨, 異體肋軟骨, 異體真皮, 結構式, 全自體, 半自肋, 鼻雕, 高挺鼻型, 娃娃鼻型, 縮鼻頭, 縮鼻翼, 二次, 鼻重修, 鼻重建, 醫院, 院長, 主任, 教授, 博士, 醫師, 面診, 諮詢, 模擬, 權威, 推薦, 日記, 照片, 對比, 永久, 種類, 自體, 人工, 費用, 價格, 萬, 元, 手術, , 飲食, 生活, 運動, 上班, 注意, 術後, 恢復期, 瘀青, 消腫, 感染, 副作用, 後遺症, 按摩, 疤痕, 攣縮, 眼袋, 拉皮, 隆乳, 豐胸, 果凍, 水滴形, 自體脂肪, 抽脂, 私密, 激光, 注射, 埋線


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